CLASS OF 2015-2016

Sunday, February 16, 2014

GRADE 2 - MATH / Fractions

Fraction Box

I have found that my young students with spacial/visual disorders have trouble with placement when it comes to fractions.  The fraction bar gets confused with many other lines on the page.  So I started using what I call a "Fraction box" to make it easier for them to understand that the part goes in the top box and the total goes in the bottom box.  

It's not a great stretch of the imagination, but the simple addition the the fraction bar really helps them visualize how the fraction should look.

GRADE 6-12 - WRITING / Lipograms


A Lipogram is a piece of writing with an omission of 1 letter.  

This writing assignment forces my students to use sentence variety and experiment with word choice.  At first, they think it's an impossible task, but after a bit of practice, they realize, not only is it possible, it is also fun!  My hope is that they will carry on this practice to their other writing assignments.  


First, I have my students make a collage with images they are drawn to for whatever reason.  Here is an example from one of my 9th graders.


Second, I have my students write about their expression.  This can include an interpretation of the collage…why they chose the images, what importance they have, maybe representing their current emotional state and/or interests.   Here is my 9th graders interpretation.


Finally, I have the students rewrite their piece without a selected letter.  In this case I chose the letter "i" because she began many of her sentences with that letter and I wanted to encourage her to experiment with different beginnings.  Here is her rewrite.

As you can see,  a couple of "i's" found their way into this write-up,  but it is an amazing transformation!  It presents quite a challenge.  I love this exercise!!